Eye m Hear Holidays Sdn Bhd was incorporated on 13th February 2013 under The Companies Act, 1965. It is 100% wholly owned by Bumiputra. With its hard working and continuous effort from the management and staffs, we have now been an established tour agent since its inception and is personally managed by our Tour Director. As an added personal advantage, our Tour Director has successfully obtained a National Tour Guide License from Ministry of Tourism Malaysia in June 2008 and has all the know-how expertise to design every popular travel itinerary or even a customary request, both INBOUND & OUTBOUND.
The main activity performed by us are solely carried out by services related to the tourism industry example: ticket and hotel reservations, and may also include complete tour packages. We are capable of providing an extensive service in order to fulfill the need of many corporate and private sectors as well as the government bodies. Realizing the potential of the tourism industry and in order to meet the demand and enhance our services, we have made many bilateral agreements with several organizations involved in the tourism industry, locally and abroad.